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Free Item: Veeperson: Real World Heroes

Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 3/6/10
Category: Veeperson Add-Ons
File Size: 1.40 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 1542 times.Recommended for use with the Veeperson (for Poser) product.
Includes the following textures and MAT poses: Astronaut/ Spaceman: -Orange outfit (male) -White outfit (female) Policeman/ Security: -Long-sleeve jacket -Short-sleeve/ casual Fireman: -Black outfit (male) -Yellow outfit (female)
Also includes the following props: Astronaut Helmet: front visor can be made transparent to see the face of the Veeperson Includes 3 MAT poses for the visor: -Blue Transparent -Gold Opaque -Transparent Astronaut Backpack Fireman Helmet Fireman Back "cylinder" Police Helmet
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