Merchant Resources
The following pages are designed to help merchants with the development and marketing of their products:
Image Guidelines
Guidelines for product sales images.
Image Techniques
Tips, ideas, and techniques on making images. Although these techniques are designed for gallery images (which tend to be more artistic than sales images), you can still apply the ideas to sales images.
Product Description Guidelines
Guidelines for writing product descriptions.
Item Guidelines
Requirements and guidelines for products and free items. Includes a list of required files.
Brokered Artist Agreement
The Vanishing Point brokered artist agreement (in Rich Text Format/ rtf), to be sent before you start selling products.
Sample Readme file
A sample readme file with notations.
Product Checklist
A quick-reference checklist to help you keep track of what files are required for your product.
Vanishing Point License File
The Vanishing Point product license file (in plain text format), to be included in product zip files.
Vincent Parker (VPM1) Base Figure
Do you want to create or sell your own add-ons for Vincent Parker? If so, please feel free to include any of the following links in your item's description so people know where to purchase the Vincent Parker base. Just highlight the URL, copy, and paste into your description. (Click the link to see Vincent Parker's product page.)
Here at Vanishing Point (though we'll link your item to Vincent Parker for you):