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Free Item: Console Room Exterior (for Poser)

Artist: mrsparky
Added on: 6/1/15
Category: Doctor Who
File Size: 937 k
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 1023 times.Recommended for use with the Console Room Interior (for Poser) product.
This is the outside of the TARDIS. The idea here is that you can have a exterior scene where your characters can walk into the TARDIS, so it looks like the inside is bigger than the outside.
The trick to making this work is to ensure the camera and the front doors are always aligned straight on. If you pull the camera back to show more of the scene and don`t want to have a shadow between the background picture and the TARDIS, show or hide the "spacer".
You`ll notice the existing background and images are quite low resolution. This is deliberate to save on system resources. You`ll need to replace this with something else; the DSU freebies have some images which will help you.
.: Features :. • The police box is a separate part, which can be hidden (assuming your TARDIS` chameleon circuit is working properly). • Main doors can open and close, with an ERC dial on the Body. • The background and ground planes are mapped to take a "top" and "bottom" image.
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