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Free Item: TT8 (for DAZ Studio)

Artist: mrsparky
Added on: 2/18/17
Category: Science Fiction > General
File Size: 4.28 M
File Format: DAZ Studio
This item contains: duf, dsf and/ or other DAZ Studio files.
This item has been downloaded 745 times.
Do you want to have more time for the fun stuff in life like waterboarding illegal Venusians?
Then outsource your evilness with the TT8, your despotic droid. Created by SparkyTron Industries this sphere of sleeze comes with loads of useful features, including...
The Back Hander. Be it any major credit/debit card or plain hard cash, this unit allows you receive bribes quickly and quietly.
The Brick laying Module, perfect for building wall and comes with a contactless "bill the neighbours" payment module.
The Grabbber. For when you need to show them who`s the daddy.
Da Bomb. Temper Tantrum not having a effect? Can`t get your own way? Then just nuke `em.
Please note: The TT8 is a bit like a Dalek, it doesn`t like stairs and the production model ships with smaller hands.
Best of all this DAZ Studio version comes complete with a jerking action, just like the real thing!
.: Model Features :. • DAZ Studio prop: dsf, duf/ png, with 92,356 polygons. • Moving parts: - Left door can open and close (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Right door can open and close (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Front door can open and close (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Rear door can open and close (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Base door can open and close (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Head and neck can raise up and down and rotate (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Neck "fingers" can raise up and down and rotate (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Brick layer can extend in and out (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Front grabber hand can extend in and out (with an ERC dial on the Body) and can also rotate. - Back hand can extend in and out (with an ERC dial on the Body) and can also rotate. - Missile launcher can extend in and out (with an ERC dial on the Body). - Missile is a separate part with its trans dials enabled so it can be launched from the base. - Front and rear fingers can grasp/ open and close (with an ERC dial on the Body).
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